How to get your copy of Battlefield 3 at a discount

Credit: EA/DICE

The release of Battlefield 3 is going to be huge, so many retailers are offering their own incentives to get buyers to choose them.

Out of all the options, preordering through Origin offers the most bonuses: early access to the beta in September, pre-loading the game, the Back to Karkand expansion (bonus maps), and the Physical Warfare Pack (extra weapons and add-ons).

If you’re looking to preorder from Origin, check out [Read more…]

Classes in Battlefield 3 multiplayer – Recon (Part 4 of 5)


Credit: EA/DICE

In the first post of this series, I recommended choosing one or two classes to focus on after BF3 releases.

In this post I’ll go over the recon class and which players will benefit from focusing on this role first.


When people think of the recon class, they think “sniper.”

Battlefield games have always had a class with its own unique long-range rifles. BF3 will have a total of 6 sniper rifles, all unique to the recon class. Some possible new additions in BF3 such as scope glint and scope sway may make it more of a challenge to be a sniper when you get started. On the other hand, you’ll be able to earn weapon specializations such as the bipod, scopes, and flash suppressor. Also, claymores can bring down enemies that try to sneak up on you. These will no doubt give snipers and their rifles a huge range and detection advantage over the other classes.

Don’t look past the reason it’s called the “recon” class and not the “sniper” class.

The recon class has more goodies of its own other than sniper rifles.

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Battlefield 3 Jets and Countermeasures

Credit: EA/DICE

At Gamescom 2011, EA unveiled gameplay footage of jets on
the map Caspian Border. If you’ve not yet seen it, check it out below, and
crank it up to 1080p.

Jets, along with a wide range of land vehicles and
helicopters, set Battlefield apart from other military shooters. Those new to
Battlefield will find that aircraft controls take some practice to get used to,
but offer a gameplay experience that’s really unique and exciting.

Many of those who’ve played other Battlefield games and are
used to jets are excited to give them a try. The fast-paced air-to-air battles and
obstacle-dodging ground assaults are something rarely seen outside of flight
combat sims. Some joystick-wielding pros will pick up BF3 for the jets alone.

Gameplay balance and jets

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Classes in Battlefield 3 multiplayer – Engineer (Part 3 of 5)

In this series’ first post, I pointed out the advantage of choosing one or two classes to focus on just after BF3’s release.

Here I’ll go into the Engineer class and what players will benefit from focusing on this role first.


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Secure your Battlefield 3 player name NOW

Credit: EA/DICE

In the past, Battlefield games have allowed a one-time player name selection upon registration.

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Battlefield 3 Alpha access details

Credit: Dice/EA

The availability of the Battlefield 3 alpha and its signup website has caught the attention of a lot of eager players. If you have not received an invitation, the EA/Origin account you attempt to log in with will display the error “We’re sorry – you don’t meet the criteria to enter this site.”

Here are the known details on the BF3 alpha:

  • available through an email invitation only
  • sign up for the newsletter using the same email address as your EA/Origin account for a chance at being selected
  • log in to your EA/Origin account and ensure your veteran status is up-to-date
  • having attended E3 or using an account with high veteran status do not guarantee selection

As noted in the previous Battlefield 3 release date post, the beta will be available in August and will be open to everyone. Those who have purchased Medal of Honor: Limited Edition will have early access to this beta.

Classes in Battlefield 3 multiplayer: Support (part 2 of 5)

Credit: EA/DICE

In the first post of this series, I described the advantage of choosing one or two classes to focus on in the early weeks of BF3’s release.

In this section, I’ll go into the unique features of the Support class and what type of players will benefit from starting with this role.

Unlike other roles, the support class has the option to use light machine guns. LMG’s are capable of laying down heavy fire for extended periods of time with their large ammo feeds.

Bipods and suppressive fire

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Battlefield 3 Alpha Trial website

The website displays a sign in page for the “Battlelog Alpha Trial,” with a note stating “Try Battlefield 3 before anyone else.”

EA/Origin logins do not appear to automatically be authorized to log in; a message states “your account is not authorized to log in” if this is attempted. No details have yet been released on how the Alpha will be accessible.

Classes in Battlefield 3 multiplayer (part 1 of 5)

Credit: EA/DICE


Battlefield 3 will include four distinct player classes: support, engineer, recon, and assault.

As was the case in Battlefield: Bad Company 2, numerous “unlocks” (weapons and gadgets made available by reaching goals in multiplayer) can be applied to the different classes. Most players will eventually branch out and vary their class each time they spawn based on their squad, the map, and other specifics of the battle.

However, many players will choose their favorite class or classes and unlock their unique items first. This can be of particular advantage in the first few weeks of the game’s release.

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Battlefield 3 system requirements for PC

Credit: EA/DICE

Although rumored details have circulated, EA/DICE has not yet released system requirements for BF3.

In the past, EA’s Battlefield games have implemented the latest DirectX features and taken advantage of the latest hardware. Expect BF3 to be no exception.

Take Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for an example.

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